Sunday, October 18, 2009

Older Actress Megan Mullally Finds Freedom

Gina Wilhelm Actress - Older Actress Megan Mullally Finds Freedom

Now that she's over age 50, Megan Mullallyno longer has to worry about trying to get "babe" roles. In "youth-obsessed" Hollywood, that might worry some actresses.

Mullally finds it freeing. Now she's able to take the character roles she believes directors wouldn't have considered her for before.

She's currently appearing in "The Receptionist" at Odyssey Theatre, playing a frumpy gossiping biddy at the center of the storm.

She's had a plethora of exciting career choices since "Will and Grace" went off the air in 2006.

While she's thrilled to have the opportunity to play new character parts, she's still considering writing "Karen: The Musical" based on her character from that television show.

Gina Wilhelm Actress

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